Check out your hockey team's performances
Analyse and evaluate the team performances
▷ Teamrating in a few figures
75 clubs listed
211 divisions monitored
1248 teams monitored
6001 matches analysed
66% of expected points correctly predicted
74% of expected wins correctly predicted
▷ Expected Rankings
For each division, Teamrating proposes the expected evolution of the ranking taking into account the average levels of each team. This evolution will of course depend on the future performance of all teams within the division
▷ A dashboard for each team
A synthetic dashboard to visualize at a glance the situation of a team. It includes a forecast of the final ranking and the average performance over the last three games
▷ Performance evaluation
For each match a performance evaluation that takes into account the respective levels of the two teams that meet. Thus, a short victory against a very weak team could be considered as a bad performance; just as a defeat with a very small gap against a much stronger team could be considered as a good performance
▷ Statistics for each division
Within each division, in addition to the traditional rankings, you will find rankings based on the performance of the last game or on the average performance of the last three games. Ranking of the best defences and the best attacks. The average performance of each team at home and away
▷ Comparison between 2 teams
A multiple keys comparison between two teams that gives a view of the respective strengths and weaknesses
▷ Email distribution with a report about the upcoming match
Automatically receive an email three days before each match with the protonostics for the upcoming match and a pointer to a detailed comparison between the two teams
▷ Expected results for the upcoming matches
For each upcoming match, Teamrating offers the expected result with a chance index of taking more points than expected and a risk index of taking less points than expected