General Questions

Can you explain how your rating is working and how you compute it ?
We look at each match played by all the teams. For each match we check whether it was against a better or against a weaker team. We also look at the difference of goals for each match. We run an algorithm which computes a rating for each team. After a team has played a few sets of matches, the rating becomes more reliable.
Do you have sponsors ?

As of today, we have no sponsors and we are financing this website on our own. If we get a lot of interest, we will try to continue this website for a longer period and, in order to cover our costs, we will likely look to get some sponsors.  If you are interested to sponsor our website, please use our contact form.

Do you plan to add additional features ?

Yes we have some ideas of features that we would like to add. However this is asking some time to implement.  If there is something you would like to see, please tell us and we will do our best to provide it in the near future.

How can I reach you ?

Please use the contact form available in the contact tab.  We will try to answer you as soon as possible.

How to add a team/club/division to my favourites ?

For this, select the team/club/division you want to add to your favourites. On that webpage, click on the heart. The heart will become black and the team/club/division should now be visible on the “Favourites” tab.

How to remove a team/club/division from my favourites ?

For this, please go to the “Favourites” tab, select the team/club/division you want to remove and click on the “black heart” to remove it from your favourites.

Is it possible to see ratings from last year ?

As we started this project in October 2020, it is not possible for us to retrieve the results earlier than July 2020. In the future we plan to give access to the past years results.

The ranking according to your rating is not the same as the official division ranking. How is this possible ?

The official ranking only takes into account the points obtained through the played matches. It does not take into account whether a team has played against a team from the top of the division or against a weaker team. So a team can have won multiple matches but each time against weaker teams.  This is why you can see a difference with the official division ranking.  Like in other sports, it is not always the best team who is winning the match. And sometimes, it is not the best team which is first in the championship.

There are errors on your website, is it possible to correct them ?

Errors are human. So, please, do not hesitate to report any problems you detect on our website. We will do our best to correct it as soon as possible.

Why is my team not visible on your website ?

The web site is not following all divisions. If you want to see your team on this website please contact us and we will try to add your team in the near future.

Why is the result of my last match not yet visible on your Website while the previous ones are visible?

The likely reason is that the website information has not yet been updated. We have some work to update the information that is available on the website. Usually we are handling this on Sunday evening. If the problem persists, please contact us so we can fix it.

Rating computation

Can you explain how your rating is working and how you compute it ?

We look at each match played by all the teams. For each match we check whether it was against a better or against a weaker team. We also look at the difference of goals for each match. We run an algorithm which computes a rating for each team. After a team has played a few sets of matches, the rating becomes more reliable.

Is the rating of a team depending on that team’s results from previous years ?

No, the system is only using the information about the current season. Obviously, when the team has not yet played a lot of matches, the rating computation is not precise and should be used with cautions.

When do you update the rating ?

The rating is usually updated on Sunday evening once we have the match results of the weekend.

Why is the result of my last match not yet visible on your Website while the previous ones are visible?

The likely reason is that the website information has not yet been updated. We have some work to update the information that is available on the website. Usually we are handling this on Sunday evening. If the problem persists, please contact us so we can fix it.