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Braxgata U14B-3 ((click heart to add to favourites) (click heart to add to favourites)

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Latest U14B-VHL_3A status for Braxgata-U14B-3

Relative average performance in the last three games. A negative number means that the team has played under its usual level in the last three matches. A positive number means that the team has played above its average level.

RankingOfficial ranking position in the pool according to the number of points obtained in the division
G+Goals scored
G-Goals conceded
RankingFirst number is the expected final ranking.
The second number is the final expected points
Braxgata U14B-3U14B-VHL_3A58 10 2 2 6 34 58 -24 5(8pts)

Statistics for Braxgata U14B-3 VHL_3A

You will find below the team informations related to the selected division :

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The above graphic shows the split between won/draw/lost matches.

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The above graphic is showing where the team has collected its points.

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A performance of 1.0 typically corresponds to a team achieving a score of 1 goal higher than expected. The performance in the above graphic are relative to the team average results. The purpose of this graph is to show whether the team has an advantage when playing home. A posisitive number means the team has performed higher performance than its average level. Please note this is an average on all matchs played at home or away.

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The performances for each past match are calculated according to the ratings of two opposing teams. The performance will be positive if the match score is better than expected. Even a lost match can give a positive performance as long as the score is not as bad as initially predicted.
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All matchs played

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Braxgata U14B-3 U14B-VHL_3A List of played matches

The match table shows all the matches played by the team. Click on column header to get a description.

Home Team (Rank/Rating)

Rank is the home team current ranking in the division.
Rating is the home team current rating. More information in the FAQ about the rating computation

Away Team (Rank/Rating)

Rank is the visitor team current ranking in the division.
Rating is the vistor team current rating. More information in the FAQ about the rating computation

PerfPerf column indicates the match performance. A positive number indicates that the team has made a better performance than expected.
15/02 Braxgata U14B-3
6-4 Brugge U14B-2
08/02 Dender U14B-1
11-2 Braxgata U14B-3
01/02 Braxgata U14B-3
2-2 Lokeren U14B-1
25/01 Dender U14B-2
11-1 Braxgata U14B-3
18/01 Braxgata U14B-3
4-2 Indiana U14B-3
11/01 Brugge U14B-2
7-5 Braxgata U14B-3
04/01 Braxgata U14B-3
4-5 Dender U14B-1
21/12 Lokeren U14B-1
6-1 Braxgata U14B-3
14/12 Braxgata U14B-3
5-6 Dender U14B-2
30/11 Indiana U14B-3
4-4 Braxgata U14B-3
Color code used for Perf
Braxgata U14B-3 obtained 3 points more than expected.
Braxgata U14B-3 obtained 1 point more than expected.
Braxgata U14B-3 obtained the expected points.
Braxgata U14B-3 obtained the expected points.
Braxgata U14B-3 obtained 2 points less than expect.

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